Specific construction and precau電都tions for racking pipes

Racking tubes

I. The specific structure 頻跳of the frame pipe

The composition of the 懂拿pipe is relatively simple and not very complica理地ted. The pipe is mainly compose問報d of three parts: the jacket pa又綠rt, the beam core part 林如and the live part. It is compo雨如sed of pipe fasteners and steel pipes, and t吃對he two parts of the pipe and its fasteners a都在re used in combination to form the c物窗ommon steel pipe scaffol東歌ding, of which the pipe is a very imp新文ortant part of the fasten紅業ing type steel pipe scaffolding.

Second, the use of the frame tube precautions冷風 introduced

1, the weight of the請那 pipe is limited, it can not exceed its pr歌她escribed load range, but also need t短小o regularly clean up the pipe on t服開he accumulation of some danger和討ous materials, such 區什as masonry and other debris.

2, the shelf pipe long-term use, the connection 物山parts may loosen. It is t風從herefore necessary to regula場兒rly inspect them as a whole來我 and in parts and to reinforce any loose par作風ts.

3. In addition to checking the 視數safety of the racking tubes themselves, th船師e net ropes tied to the roots街討 of the nets should also be inspected regul林刀arly. See if any of the ropes are請醫 loose or broken, and if it is呢我 necessary to replace and repair them immedia到可tely.

The above is all that I have introduced 房拿to you, we only understand the黑冷 construction of the racking pipe and 舞報the use of precautions, in order to us林答e correctly, so as to ensure that the construct街遠ion of safety and smooth.


Maintenance tips for 師上racking pipes

Racking pipes are mainly used in音文 the role of construction pipelines, constr離雪uction site supports and safety protection supp現雪orts. Its role is also used for the tra明為nsmission of natural gas pipelines, a就河s its wall thickness 照哥and tensile strength and cold bendability of the是美 pipeline are more in line with the呢文 regulations. So, how should it be maintained對文?

Specific construction a都數nd precautions for racking pipes

The frame pipe is a special to能如ol used for construction. During 近會construction, the racking pipe is built on暗冷 the periphery of the building對廠. This facilitates constr技多uction and renovation work,請志 while the construction of the racking pipe also 的近provides a great dea大和l of protection for the construction crew.

What are the characteristics of racking pipes?

Racking pipes are mainly used 房做for construction pipe要紅lines, construction site supp聽畫orts and safety belts. Its role is in上那 the transmission lines used for natural 對歌gas, as the wall thickness of the 間明pipe meets the tensi她風le strength and cold form民熱ing properties. So, 章低what are its specific characteris費是tics? Take a look with me!

How should I choose my racking tubes?

Each region is called a different na化市me for the racking pipe, which is also known as暗慢 high frequency straight s友姐eam welded pipe, inch and a half pipe, 48 pipe筆舞 and so on. Next, I'll take a look at ho船樹w to choose a racking pi員訊pe.